Sunday, November 9, 2008

圖書館搬書的2年 >>【Books I Have Checked Out】

想要出國唸書的人, 需要準備什麼? 需要強健的身體,因為除了要唸書要玩樂,還要搬像磚頭重的外文參考書。我記得我申請到英國的設計學校時,在錄取通知後緊接著寄來研究書單--先來個震撼教育,告訴你,要有心裡準備不是來混的!
為了讓搬書工作能順利,我常常像空姐一樣,拉著登機箱在校園裡穿梭,到了星期五,都會有人問我要去哪裡渡假。我就像患了知識匱乏強迫症一樣, 所有教授同學推薦的書都借來看,在書店 ( Barnes & Noble, Amazon ) 看到的書也用借的,為了怕這麼多書不小心會過期,我都會將借書單列印出來,最後還為了這些書做了一個【Books I Have Checked Out】的 project。
至於這些書,是不是都看完? 設計和藝術的作品集都看完,理論的書只有選某些與研究專題相關的章節讀,在芝加哥唸書,你可以透過學校網頁向當地州 ( Illinois State ) 內80多所大學借書,幾乎任何書都可以借到,包括中文小說。最後這些書當然都歸還圖書館,有些書捨不得分開就付了錢,讓他們一起回台灣。我們會在以後的時間慢慢看見, 認識這些書--

【Books I Have Checked Out】
Stop stealing sheep & find out how type works
Typography: the annual of the Type Directors Club
Helvatica: homage to a typeface
Type : no borders, no boundaries, no limits
Thinking with type: a critical guide for designers, writers & editors
Letterforms bawdy, bad & beautiful : the evolution of hand-drawn, humorous, vernacular, and experimental type
Reading images : the grammar of visual design
Research : writing on graphic design
Mental leaps: analogy in creative thought
Visual analogy: consciousness as the art of connecting
Another way of telling
Phenomenology of perception
Integral: Ruedi Baur et Associes= Ruedi Baur, Integral and Partners
Art of looking sideways
Beware wet paint
Design without boundaries: visual communication in transition
Laus 01: 31st Laus Awards, best of design and advertising in 2000
Experimental formats: books, brochures, catalogues
Tibor Kalman, perverse optimist
New models for growth and profitability: thoughts on annual reports, and how corporate culture feeds the document
Identity kits; a pictorial survey of visual signal
Utopian entrepreneur
Creating value by design
Logos for the Kunsthal Rotterdam
Experience, the media rat race : photography, art, architecture, fashion, publicity, advertising, entertainment, technology ; Foto Biennale Rotterdam V
Design for the real world; human ecology and social change
Smile in the mind: witty thinking in graphic design
Chip Kidd
Identiteiten: Rotterdam 2001, culturele hoofdstad van Europa=Identities: Rotterdam 2001, cultural catital of Europe
Hors-Sol: Poster actions in Switzerland
Constructions: design/ integral Ruedi Baur & associes
ID : an international survey on the notion of identity in contemporary art
Visual explanations: images and quantities, evidence and narrative
Other inquisitions, 1937-1952 / Jorge Luis Borges /
Visual word: experimental typography and modern art
365: AIGA year in design 2001
False flat: why Dutch design is so good
Massive change
Life style
Soak, wash, rinse, spin : Tolleson Design
Metaphors we live by
Mutations: Harvard Project on the city
Fashion system
Consumer society: myths and structures / Jean Baudrillard
Simulacra and simulation / Jean Baudrillard
Forever Barbie: the unauthorized biography of a real doll
Photography, a handbook of history, materials and processes
Close range: Wyoming stories / Annie Proulx
Artist’s book yearbook.2001
Information design
Designing visual interfaces: communication oriented techniques
Copy proof: a new method for design and education
Basic photography
Thoughtless act?: observations on intuitive design
Invisible cities / Italo Calvino
NoiseFour:+NoiseLab, CultureLife, RealityArchive
Universal principles of design: 100 ways to enhance usability, influence perception, increase appeal, make better design decisions, and teach trough design
Graphic design for the 21 st century
More paper work: exploring the potential of paper in design and architecture
Grafik design: after the end of print
Paper engineering:3D design techniques for a 2D material
Extra spatial: focuses on ideo’s design of interactive environments
Why Not Associatres
Design secrets. Layout: 50 real-life projects uncovered
Surprise me: editorial design
On writing: a memoir of the craft
Stopping by woods on a snowy evening / Robert Frost
Lover’s discourse: fragments/ Roland Barthes
Art is a spiritual path
Cutting edge advertising : how to create the world’s best print for brands in the 21 st century
Creative advertising: ideas and technigues from the world’s campaigns
Advertising today
No-copy advertising
Wonderful town: New York stories from the New Yorkers
Medium is the message
Visions of modernity: representation, memory, time and space in the age of camera
W, or The memory of childhood / Georges Perec
Is Taiwan Chinese? : the impact of culture, power, and migration on changing identities
Historical dictionary of Taiwan
Intimacy or integrity: philosophy and cultural difference
Taiwan: a political history
World is flat: a brief history of the twenty-first century
Drawing from life: the journal as art
Forbidden nation: a history of Taiwan
Becoming” Japanese”: colonial Taiwan and the politics of identity formation
Experimental cinema in the digital age
Joy Luck Club / Amy Tan
Farewell my concubine / Li, Pi-hua
Sound, feelings, thoughts: seventy poems/ Szymborska, Wislawa
View with a grain of sand: selected poems/ Szymborska, Wislawa
Dot & the line: a romance in lower mathematics / Norton Juster
Elephant vanishes / Haruki Murakami
Experimental packaging
Perfect vacuum / Stanislaw Lem
Complete short stories of Ernest Hemingway
Housekeeping / Marilynne Robinson
Einsteins’s dreams / Alan Lightman
Principles of form and design
How many bugs in a box? : a pop-up counting book / David A. Carter
Power of paper in graphic design
Japanese graphics now!
Forest and the trees: sociology as life, practice, and promise
Once: pictures and stories / Wim Wenders
Grandpa’s angel / Jutta Bauer
Powerful page design: top designers lay out their concepts to reveal their inspirations
Jon’s moon / Carme Sole Vendrell
Griffin & Sabine: an extraordinary correspondence / Nick Bantock
Editing by design: for designers, art directors, and editors: the classic guide to winning readers
Memory, history, forgetting
1000 type treatments: from script to serif, letterform used to perfection
Time and narrative
Double or nothing: a real fictitious discourse / Raymond Federman
Persistence of history: cinema, television, and the modern event
Typography: macro-and microaethetics
Writer’s workbook: an interactive writing text
Nothing happens: Chantal Akerman’s hyperrealist everyday
Sagmeister: made you look
Sculpting in time: reflections on the cinema / Andrey Tarkovsky
Grid systems in graphic design
Selected poems / E.E. Cummings
Qian bei huai / Luo Yijun 遣悲懷 / 駱以軍
Future of nostalgia
Sabine’s notebook: in which the extraordinary correspondence of Griffin & Sabine continues / Nick Bantock
White graphics: the power of white in graphic design
Eunoia / Christian Bok
Droog Design: spirit of the nineties
Identity and memory: the films of Chantal Akerman
Yes Yoko Ono
After the quake: stories / Haruki Murakami
Information architecture for designers: structuring websites for business success
History of grapgic design
Women and men on the overland trail
Dickson’s misery: a theory of lyric reading
My wars are laid away in books: the life of Emily Dickson
Encountering Eva Hesse
Louise Hopkins: freedom of information: painting , drawings 1996-2005
Taipei on the move
You’ll never know: drawing and random interference
Infiltrate: the front lines of the New York design scene
Less+ More: Droog Design in context
Testaments betrayed: an essay in nine parts / Milan Kundera
March: an novel / Brooks, Geraldine
It is beautiful—then gone / Martin Venezky
Blue hour / Carolyn Forche
Colours of light / Tadao Ando
Boundaries / Maya Lin
Book of laughter and forgetting / Milan Kundera
Poetics of space / Gaston Bachelard
Encyclopedia of papermaking & bookbinding
VAS: an opera in Flatland: a novel / Steve Tomasula
Hiroshima mon amour / Marguerite Duras
Alphabet abecedarium: some notes on letters
Wordtree: A Transitive Cladistic for Solving Physical and Social Problems
My life as anexplorer / Sven Anders Hedin
Diary from Dixie / Mary Boykin Chestnut
Stone reader
Willful creatures: stories / Aimee Bender
Woman who fell from the sky: poems / Joy Harjo
By it’s cover: modern American book cover design
KGID: Konstantin Grcic Industtrial Design
Penguin by design: a cover story,1935-2005
Lewis & Clark: the journey of the corps of discovery: an illustrated history
Lincoln’s assassins: their trial and execution
Photography and the Old West
Snow flower and the secret fan: a novel / Lisa See
New Scandinavian design
Where the sidewalk ends: the poems & drawings of Shel Silverstein
China man / Maxine Hong
Tripmaster monkey: his fake book / Maxine Hong
Synonym finder
Longman Language activator
Language as object
Library of Babel / Jorge Luis Borges
Crystallography / Christian Bok
You are here: personal geographies and other maps of the imagination
Silence / John cage
Chinese in America: a narrative history / Iris Chang
Ficciones / Jorge Luis Borges
Thousand moons on a thousand rivers / Hsiao Li-hung 千江有水千江月/ 蕭麗紅
Labyrinths: selected stories & other writings / Jorge Luis Borges
Story of A
Dragon’s gate / Laurence Yep
Anchor book of Chinese poetry
Evidence: the art of Candy Jernigan
Humument: a treated Victorian novel / Tom Phillips
Island : poetry and history of Chinese immigrants on Angel Island 1910-1940
Ann Hamilton
Book of sand / Jorge Luis Borges
Louise Bourgeois: la famille
Irresistible decay: ruins reclaimed
Bill Viola
Bruce Nauman
Helene Cixous readers
Kiki Smith: Prints, books & things
Kiki Smith: a gathering
Fall / Amy Newman
Structure of the visual book
Tent / Margaret Atwood
Morning in the burned house / Margaret Atwood
Letterpress: the allure of the handmade
Imagining language: an anthology
Written in memory: portraits of the Holocaust
Lover / Marguerite Duras
Language of smell
Cage-Cunningham- Johns: dancers on a plane: in memory of their feelings
Text-Sound texts


wan:da said...


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?

Can someone help me find it?

Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
